1st Grade Supply List
The following supplies are due at Open House or on the first day of school. Please print your child's name on each item.
Headphones not earbuds for AR testing/computer use
2 boxes of Crayola (8 count) crayons (no large crayons)
2 boxes of Crayola (24 count)
1 box Kleenex
2 Top Flight writing tablets with 5/8 guidelines (12 x 9 in.)
2 Elmer glue sticks
1 pack of #2 (plain-no coated designs) Pre-sharpened USA Gold Brand or Ticonderoga brand (24 count)
1 pair of Fiskar scissors-blunt tip
1 colored Plastic folder
2 rolls of paper towels
1 bottle of Germ-X hand sanitizer (12 oz)
1 large container of Lysol or Clorox wipes
1 package of copy paper
This summer, your child is being asked to read and AR test on at least 10 books. They may test on books at the Winston County Library. The books must be read before school begins and should be on a 1.0 reading level or above.
Please list the title of the books, authors, and reading level on a sheet of paper and return the first day of school.